Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

A Closer Look at Buyer Behavior

The segment of my potential market base I have chosen to examine is the environmental enthusiasts, which I think would make up a large portion of my market. These are the people that enjoy outdoor activities and need a convenient media for hydrate (enter my water bottle) and ALSO likely includes the sustainability advocates. 

Interview #1

The first person I interviewed thought that they would mostly find themselves thinking about this issue when they go to wash the bottle, whether that's in the kitchen or the outdoors in a stream. They said that if they were on the trail hiking and needed to clean their bottle, there isn't any access to utensils and they would have to make a tool to clean it. They also mentioned that the first thing they would do to search for information about the problem would be to use Google search using key phrases such as "easily washable water bottle" or "hand washable water bottle." They noted that they might talk to family or friends, saying maybe friends at an event or family while hiking or doing something outdoors.

Interview #2

The second person I interviewed said they would realize this problem at the sink, while they're trying to wash their water bottle. They said another situation they would think about the problem is when they're searching and buying a new water bottle. Their first instinct when coming up with a solution is to use a tool to wash it. If they were searching for an entirely new water bottle then they would first look in a physical store. If they couldn't find anything to satisfy their need then they would look online. They would probably Google search "wide mouth water bottle" or "water bottle you can wash by hand easily." One interesting thing they said was that they would want to see the bottle in person before they purchased it. 

Interview #3

The third person I interviewed said they would take issue with this problem while they're washing it at the sink. They also said they go camping quite often and would think about it during camping if the trip was long and they wanted to wash it or it it got dirty. They said they would most likely get a brush to clean the inside of the bottle but if they wanted to get a new water bottle to eliminate the problem altogether they would search on the Internet before a physical store. They would Google search "wide mouth water bottles" or something including "wide mouth" specifically. When asked about who they would consult about the problem, they said they wouldn't talk to their friends but would ask their family about different solutions and get their take.

Describing this Segment

The people in the "environmental enthusiasts" market segment are only aware of their need when they come into direct contact with the source of the problem (washing the bottle) and rarely when they are looking to invest in a new bottle. The environmentalists think of innovative approaches to creating a "tool" to clean the bottle before they think of buying a new bottle. Once they think of buying a new bottle they mostly rely on the Internet, but more traditional people will resort to physical stores first. Most of their search terms on google include "wide mouth," "water bottle," and "washable."


  1. Hi Jordan,
    Great job on these interviews! I think that this problem arises for people that use one water bottle to hold different liquids such as water, protein shakes, or juices. I personally just have water in my bottle put for those that have more active and outdoorsy lifestyles I can see this being a more pressing issue.

  2. Hi Jordan,

    from your interviews, it is interesting to see how consistent people were in the approaches to the problems. Perhaps a tool to clean the water bottle is an idea you'd like to pursue as well. However, according to the interviews, it sounds like you were right on point with targeting your water bottle as a "wide mouth bottle" considering that is the thing most people think to look up first.

    Great Job.

    Holly Dixon

  3. Hey Jordan,

    It does seem like there is a niche but fairly large market for easily washable water bottles, something that I am honestly interested in myself. These interviews also gave you some very relevant insight when it comes to SEO for your product, as people will mostly search for "wide mouth bottles" or "easily washable bottles". If you market your side with those keywords especially, I feel like it would really assist in the advertising for your company.

  4. Hello Jordan! With your product, you will need to market to a specific target audience that is interested in buying your product. Like you stated it will be those that are interested in helping the environment. That is something that you will need to keep in mind when trying to market to your audience that it a niche market you need to tailor to.
