Friday, April 24, 2020

Final Reflection

After looking through all of the assignments I've turned in for this class during the past semester, it's actually pretty amazing to see how my way of thinking has changed along with the concept for my water bottle idea. While I was doing the assignments it seemed like they would never end but now that I'm writing the last blog post, it's somewhat bittersweet. I never thought I would feel that way but I feel like I've put a decent amount of work conducting interviews, fleshing out ideas, and really considering my venture concept. It's hard to just stop and basically give up on this idea but at the same time, it's nice to have some closure and not have as much work.

I think the most fun activity was the "Create a Custom Avatar" one because it was fun to put a narrative twist on a helpful assignment. This assignment was not only really fun but I think it's one of the most helpful assignments because having a clear picture of my market makes it much easier to cater my product to them and really understand how they envision the problem I'm trying to solve. The most productive activity was "Venture Concept No. 2" because it was really a culmination of everything from the semester and shows my biggest ideas all in one place. I would probably refer to that assignment the most if I was to ever come back to this idea in the future. 

I don't see myself as a full-blown entrepreneur yet. I feel that for someone to truly have this it must become a lifestyle for them and it's not a lifestyle for me. However, I definitely have a more entrepreneurial mindset now that I've really thought about a business concept in more ways than I ever thought I would. For example, before taking this class I never thought about how critical it is to consider the different aspects of your target market. Honestly, if I ever decide to take an entrepreneurial route, this class will have prepared me very well for a beginner's understanding of how creating a business works. 

One recommendation I have for future students is that if you put a solid effort into these assignments then you will get exponentially more out of this class. Obviously, if you put in more effort then you'll likely get a better grade, but that's not the most important thing because it's not too hard to get a good grade in this class. If you constantly strive to further your idea with each assignment then you will notice growth in your entrepreneurial mindset. Lastly, watch the lectures because Dr. Pryor is hilarious and also has amazing tips for entrepreneurship in general as well as for these assignments. 


  1. Hi Jordan,

    I love your graphic first of all, it accurately represents how a lot of us are feeling. I totally agree that its weird that we put so much time and though into our product concepts, and now we're just done. I actually forgot about the avatar assignment, but it was one I quit enjoyed too. I think it helps us see our product from the eyes of someone different. I too feel like this class really lays the ground work for having an entrepreneurial mindset.

    Thanks you!

    Holly Dixon

  2. Hello Jordan! I felt your image on a spiritual level because once all of my classes turned online I felt myself struggling to finish my work, but we made it! I agree that before this class I did not fully understand all the different aspects that go along with having a mindset of an entrepreneur, so it was interesting doing all these assignments that are very different from one another.

  3. Hey Jordan,

    I feel the same way about the last blog post being bittersweet. Over the course of this semester, after all the hard work we put into our ideas, it is only natural that we would be a little upset about seeing them go. You are right about it being a good starting point though, especially with venture concept no 2, because we have the basic instincts of entrepreneurs and would be able to build upon those if we chose to follow that lifestyle. It's been real!
