EZ-Clean Hydro Bottle
My product is an environmentally friendly water bottle with a larger mouth. The opportunity that relates to this product is anyone that has a problem washing their water bottle because the mouth of it is too small to fit either of their hand into it. Another sub-segment of customers would be people searching for a durable, sustainable, and eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastic water bottles. The nature of his need is that it is realized whenever people are washing their bottles, however, there is currently no readily available alternative for the water bottles they already use. The forces in the environment that create this opportunity is basically a lack of action by water bottle companies; no leading water bottle company has created a product specifically designed to be easier to wash. There really is not much of a limit geographically to the customer base because where you live doesn't affect whether you use a water bottle or not; at least, it shouldn't. Demographically, I would like this product to be affordable enough for anyone to be able to purchase one, but currently making new plastic is cheaper than recycling and removing harsh chemicals is even more expensive, so this product might end up singling out the middle and upper class. Another demographic that will be more affected is the environmentally active/sustainable group because of this water bottle's qualities, including being recycled and BPA-free. Customers are currently satisfying this need by either disregarding the issue or coming up with their own solution. Many customers I interviewed said they would create a device/tool to reach inside and clean the inside of the bottle. They said they would consider buying a bottle that solved that issue if it was functional and reasonably affordable. This opportunity is fairly large because everyone needs to drink water and many people (this number is rising as society is ever more progressive) use water bottles to decrease the use of plastic. I don't see this opportunity going away soon, unless another big-name brand, such as Nalgene, created a similar product.
My innovation is a water bottle that has a large mouth (one that the average-sized hand could fit inside). This product not only solves the issue of washing a bottle that has a small mouth, which by conducting more than several interviews I have confirmed is a relevant issue, but it also is durable, sustainable, and adaptable. The bottle would come with a limited lifetime warranty so anyone could replace the bottle if it's damaged. It is also made from recycled plastics and is BPA (bisphenol A) free, making sure to reduce waste on land and at sea. Lastly, the bottle will come in three sizes, 24 oz, 32 oz, and 48 oz so that people can purchase whichever size suits their needs. Someone that's going to be working in the yard all day might want a 48 oz. so they don't have to go inside to fill up, while someone that's just taking their bottle to work likely will buy a 24 or 32 oz. bottle. For this bottle to be realistic and functional the mouth has to be big enough to fit a balled-up hand into it and also easy to drink from. To make sure that's possible I would widen the mouth to a larger circle (instead of having the lid be a smaller diameter than the body of the bottle, which is typical). This would allow an average hand to fit inside and be able to move about and clean while also still providing easy-drinking capabilities. Now I will break down the pricing. Each water bottle will come with a water bottle (made up of the body and the lid) and a small card that incentivizes them purchaser/recipient to buy more products. The card will advocate 25% of the proceeds on their next purchased item will go to the wildlife/environmental/sustainability charity of their choice. Each size of the water bottle will be priced differently. The 24 oz. bottle will cost $10, the 32 oz.will cost $15 and the 48 oz. will cost $25. The pricing is a little higher than I would like to see, but as I said earlier, using recycled plastics and making the bottle BPA-free is more expensive than using new plastic that has all of the typical chemicals.
Venture Concept
My water bottle will solve all of the issues water bottle users have with washing their own bottles in addition to providing added value, such as being environmentally friendly, durable, and adaptable to any situation. Customers will buy this innovation because they will no longer have to be frustrated while cleaning their bottle and they'll be able to keep their bottle cleaner. Customers would switch to this new product if they use water bottles often enough to be consistently faced with the issue of not being able to fit their hand into their bottle in order to effectively clean it. It might be hard for them to switch if they have brand loyalty to big-name brands such as Nalgene or Hydroflask, but if the person values quality over status then they would probably make the switch. Two large competitors that I immediately think of are Nalgene and Hydroflask. Hydroflask mostly makes metal bottles, which are outside of the scope of my opportunity, so I won't focus on them. Nalgene is a very large and well-established company so it's hard for me to think of a disadvantage for them. The packaging isn't a problem because I will sell my water bottles without a package. They will simply have a removable label that can be printed out and applied to them. I would have to work with distributors to have my products in grocery stores, gas stations, sports stores, etc. because the variety of people that use water bottles is extensive.
Secret Sauce
My most important resource is going to be my passion for this product's growth and mission. I believe that you can't fake passion and if you have a passion that you truly believe in then you'll always stay committed and true to your intended purpose. For more detail, you can reference my previous blog post.
What's Next For the Venture?
The next opportunity I would tackle is determining the bottom line for my product and really crunching the numbers behind the production, distribution, advertising, etc. of my water bottle. This is super helpful because it will allow me to think creatively as well as analytically about my product to forecast if it makes financial sense.
What's Next For Me?
Assuming I launched this goal, I would want my product to be dispersed throughout the Southeast at least within five years. Within ten years I could make it up the coast into the Northeast and potentially into some Western states including California. This might be a little aggressive but I think if I'm ever going to compete with top water bottle companies then I need to focus on aggressive growth.